June 29, 2012

It's Fabulous!

My good blog friend, Donna (CrazyMama) presented me with a Fabulous Blog Ribbon! Thank you CrazyMama, I am very honored!! I love that you think my blog is fabulous! CrazyMama is a super single mom who makes it all work through all the craziness, and she's also a fearless skydiver! Check out her Fabulous Blog:

Here's what I need to do in accepting this award:

  1. Post the rules on my blog.
  2. Name five of my most fabulous moments, either in real life or in the blogosphere.
  3. Name five things I love.
  4. Name five things I hate.
  5. Pass the ribbon along to five other bloggers. (Leave them a comment to notify them of their win).

OK, here goes...

Five of my most fabulous moments:
  1. Meeting new blog friends.
  2. Being there for the birth of my first nephew.
  3. Traveling across the country from the East Coast to the West Coast for the first time in my twenties.
  4. Winning a songwriting award from the American Song Festival (years ago, got 50 bucks and a plaque for my wall but I thought it was fabulous!).
  5. Finding out through genealogy research that I have direct roots on my father's side dating back to the 1600s in New England (fabulous for a history buff like me!). 
Five things I love:
  1. My dogs
  2. Dark chocolate
  3. The ocean
  4. Writing
  5. Learning new stuff

Five things I hate:
  1. Spiders
  2. Loud, rude people on cell phones
  3. Getting chain-letter emails (I delete; refuse to pass them on!)
  4. Narrow-minded people
  5. Cole slaw
Passing along the Fabulous Blog Ribbon (and it was really, really difficult to pick just five!). I invite everyone to check out their fabulous blogs:

Petro http://theseamanmom.blogspot.com/

I think that All my blog friends are fabulous, so you are all welcome to take a ribbon!
Have a fabulous day!

©2012 JerseyLil’s 2 cents.


  1. Thank you so much for choosing me, dear Madilyn. I am proud to accept such a nice gift from such a kind and thoughtful friend as you.
    And you've got a good "eye" as I do feel fabulous most of the time :)

    Hugs and kisses

    1. You are very welcome, Petro! You absolutely deserve this award, and you are Fabulous! :)

  2. Thank you, Madilyn, for such a wonderful acknowledgement! It is of course a lovely thing to be considered 'fabulous' by a fellow writer! (Especially one with a songwriting award under her belt!) :)

  3. I want to hear the song....or at least read it....

    1. Thanks, I think I’ll put some verses in a future blog post since I’ve had a couple of requests. Thanks again for that Fabulous Blog ribbon, CrazyMama!!

  4. Thanks so much for the reward, it made my day, I love your five fabulous moments. I must say I am curious about your song as well, maybe a future post perhaps? Thanks again Madilyn :)

    1. You are very welcome! I just may put some verses in a future blog post. :)

  5. Hi Madilyn,

    Here's the post about the ribbon. Thank you kindly :)


    1. That’s great, Petro! I’ve been offline for a few days due to a power outage caused by a big storm where I live. Back online now and I will check it out! :)

  6. What a lovely surprise! Thank you so much Madilyn for including my blog on your list. :-) I deeply appreciate sharing the spotlight with other wonderful, and of course fabolous, bloggers. And congrats to you too!!

    Loved reading your answers by the way! :-)

    1. You are very welcome Alexandra!! :)

    2. Just wanted to let you know that I have finally put together a little Thank You post. :p You can find it at: http://ropcorn.com/d/a-thank-you-and-weekend-blog-hop-post.html

      Have an awesome Sunday! :-)

  7. You are fabulous and creative. Come get what's coming to you.

    1. CrazyMama, I’ve been offline for a few days due to a power outage caused by a monster storm that came thru my area. Been missing your fabulous blog posts!! I am putting up a July 4th holiday post and then I will check out all that I have missed!! :)
